If you've ever climbed a mountain (or even just a good-sized hill) you'll know that it can feel like hard work and it's not long before you start to question whether it's worth it. But on a clear day, what can really make a big difference, is after putting some serious effort in, looking up and seeing some good progress made and knowing you are nearer to the top.
However, the danger comes when you're desperate for that burst of encouragement and you keep looking up at every opportunity you get. But each time you look up, the top looks just as close as it did last time. Plus with your eyes up, you're more likely to miss something on the floor and trip up.
Youth and Children's ministry can feel like climbing a mountain, not least because it can often be hard work. But more than that, it is not uncommon to feel like lots of effort is going into young people but that all that hard work isn't really making any difference.
Church events: How wide should we cast the net?
Over the Christmas period our church, like many others, had several evangelistic events. We had the classic Christingle and Nativity …