What it means to 'contend for the faith'

Tom Forryan  |  Features  |  lessons from Jude
Date posted:  12 Feb 2025
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What it means to 'contend for the faith'

Source: iStock

You always understood that following Jesus wouldn’t be easy. It may be about to become much more painful than you ever imagined—and all because you set out your stall to obey Jude 3 and contend for the faith once for all delivered to the saints.

The church you go to is everything you ever thought a church should be. The work has steadily grown under the influence of an internationally-respected minister who has been in place for a number of years.

It is biblical rather than traditional, emphasising relationship rather than structures, focussed on mission rather than maintenance. You and your spouse have made deep friendships within the fellowship so that for the first time in your Christian life, you feel that you belong.

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