Seeking to develop a culture of evangelism in our church, we recently surveyed our church members about how they felt about evangelism. One response made me laugh out loud, only because it resonated so much with me: ‘I absolutely hate evangelism, but I do love to talk about Jesus whilst sharing my daily life’.
The truth is, I would go a step further; I hate evangelism and really don’t think I talk about Jesus much in my daily life. I wonder how many of us feel something of that and the guilt that that induces!
And yet, for me, when I’m pushed to think about it as I am today, virtually every week I am in the joy-filled position of spending time with several non-believers and sharing in a piece of Scripture, a discussion around it and a prayer time (sometimes even a worship song). And I love doing that. But I still don’t feel like I am an ‘evangelist’ - in fact in many ways I feel a fraud agreeing to write this article.
The dangers of over or underdosing the gospel
In 2023, my sister was diagnosed with Stage 1B breast cancer. She immediately underwent four months of initial chemotherapy followed …