'I saw the Crescent, you saw the whole of the Moon,' sang the Scottish band, The Waterboys in 1985. It’s a catchy tune with significant words.
The phrase came to mind as I reflected on the state of the Church in the UK in general, and in Scotland in particular. Although I am now in Australia my heart is still in the Highlands, and bleeds for Scotland and the UK – like Paul 'I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart' (Romans 9:2) as I reflect on what has happened and is happening to my own people.
Zooming in: change is possible
Sometimes when you are closely involved you are too close to see the wood for the trees. When I ministered in Scotland (for 33 years) I tried to occasionally take a helicopter view of church and society. To be honest I did not like what I saw and what the leadership in the Church of Scotland called ‘the trajectory’. To my mind it was like watching a train wreck in slow motion – not just in the denomination of the Church of Scotland, which has now collapsed into insignificance, but also in other areas of the Church, including my own denomination, the Free Church of Scotland.
Didn’t we have a lovely euthanasia debate…
There were several things about the recent debate in the House of Commons on euthanasia which were revelatory of where …