Starting September well

Jonny Woodbridge  |  Features  |  youth ministry
Date posted:  25 Sep 2024
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Starting September well

Source: Canva

How has your new academic year begun? It can feel like landing back to earth with a bump and maybe you wonder how you ever used to cope doing all a normal term-time week entailed?

We all want to start the term in a great place so we can hit the ground running but I'm sure we all achieve that to different extents and are painfully aware of those areas we weren't quite ready for. Before I share what those are for me, here are a couple of ways we were able to begin in good shape thanks to two wonderful members of our youth and children's team.

Most churches have an uneven distribution of children which means different groups will get bigger and smaller each September when children move up. One of my leaders insisted on a meeting where she very helpfully forced me to face the reality that this would mean one of our groups would be too big for the room it currently met in. I would have probably avoided this problem until after the term begun but it meant that we started with a plan in place that could work best from the word go, rather than having to react to the first few weeks of a group going disastrously badly!

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