Church leaders: should you be more open to change?

Phil Moon  |  Features  |  the pastor's toolkit
Date posted:  6 Nov 2024
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Church leaders: should you be more open to change?

Source: Canva

I admit it. I love change. I recognise that most people find it far more of a struggle than I do - strange I know - so I’ll try and go gently.

A part of who we are

You’re a Christian? That does mean that you have experienced the greatest, most significant change that anyone could ever experience. You’ve started a new life. You really have. So, change is not altogether alien to us, is it? And as the Holy Spirit works in us, He is changing us, often very slowly, to become more and more like Jesus. Real change. It’s just part of who we are.

And imagine a world, or your church, without change. Imagine us all living as if we were still in, say, the 17th century. Change has clearly happened.

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