Bridging cultural divides: it takes one small step

Jason Roach  |  Features  |  bridging cultural divides
Date posted:  20 Sep 2024
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Bridging cultural divides: it takes one small step

'I gave them my freedom (bus) pass and scribbled down the address of the church on the back of a receipt! Praying that they'd come along today.'

If I could have raised one eyebrow I would have. As it was, I simply smiled. It seemed risky... He had only met Araz, Dilvan and Genc* - the three Kurdish men that he spoke of - the day before. They had been housed in a local hotel while their Asylum claims were processed.

My friend had made his way down to the hotel to try and make some connections. They met in the hotel café. He couldn't speak Kurdish, but had done his best with Google translate to get to know them.

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