“The trouble with punctuality is that nobody’s there to appreciate it.”
Does your church have a problem with punctuality? If it does, does it really matter if people don’t arrive in time for the beginning of the service? After all, there is no direct command in the Bible to “be punctual” or “be on time”, and it is not one of the nine “fruit of the Spirit” qualities in Galatians 5:22,23. Perhaps it is not very important after all, and we should all be quite relaxed about people arriving late.
In everyday life, sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn’t matter. It matters with work and with school; but with some social occasions it does not matter so much and may even be helpful to be a little late. Is the church that kind of social occasion where it does not really matter if you are a bit late?
Five ways not to offer hospitality on Sundays
We are told in Romans (12:13) to "practise hospitality" (as it is spelt with British English, or, if you are …