The New Year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect with thanksgiving on the year that is past, and to pray in faith for the year that lies ahead. What are your prayers for the New Year?
The news this year has been dominated by stories of elections and new governments. There have been grim reports of wars and conflicts in Ukraine/Russia, and Israel with its neighbours. We might add that there are numerous other conflicts around the world which don’t appear in our national media, including Sudan and Burma/Myanmar. Our prayers might well include petitions for peace, and for just and righteous laws in our country and around the world. We are commanded to pray for rulers and authorities. Jesus teaches us to pray ‘Your will be done’ which includes a desire for God’s will and creation purposes to be reflected in a sinful world.
We are mindful that very often Christians are at the receiving end of violence and persecution. We think especially of regimes like North Korea, China, and Eritrea. There are disturbing reports of increasing hostility to the gospel in India. Many of the countries where Christians suffer are Islamic. We are commanded to pray for our brothers and sisters who are in prison or mistreated ‘as though in prison with them’ (Heb.13:3).