Mission to one of the largest unreached groups in the world

Kay Morgan-Gurr  |  Features  |  disability & accessibility
Date posted:  1 Jul 2024
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Mission to one of the largest unreached groups in the world

When we want to reach a people group with the gospel, there are many things we want to be trained in first. We learn the language and the culture. We immerse ourselves in the way of life in order to learn how we can respectfully reach out to them.

Sometimes we take the time to make friends with people from that culture and learn more from them, including the idioms and nuances of their language - you know, the things a classroom lesson won’t teach you and can leave you a little embarrassed and red faced when you say the wrong thing.

We fear using the wrong words, saying the wrong thing, being condescending and upsetting the people we are trying to reach, so we work hard to make sure that doesn’t happen.

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