‘Are you for us or our enemies?’ Joshua 5:13

Joseph Steinberg  |  Features  |  a Jewish Christian perspective
Date posted:  1 May 2024
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‘Are you for us or our   enemies?’ Joshua 5:13

photo: iStock

Joshua entered the boundaries of Jericho at the start of Israel’s move into Canaan after the Exodus and 40 years of desert wanderings. There seems to have been a misunderstanding about the nature of what God was seeking to do – using Israel to eradicate sin from the land and establish a kingdom of righteous true-God worshippers.

It is no accident then that Joshua meets a man with a sword drawn in his hand. ‘Are you for us or our enemies?’ The man exclaims ‘No!’ He is for neither and reveals that he is none other than the ‘Commander of the LORD’s army’. Joshua, realising that he was standing before the Lord God, fell face down to the ground in reverence.

What was the Lord’s message to Joshua? ‘Take off your sandals, for the place you are standing is holy.’

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