I was brought up hearing the message of salvation clearly and repeatedly, week after week, in such an unmistakable way that classic gospel texts like John 3:16, Romans 3:23 and 1 Timothy 1:15 are etched on my psyche to this day. And I am eternally grateful for that.
I heard a lot of preaching that painted fiery pictures of hell in such a way that every hearer was anxious to run to the cross of Christ for rescue. I was left in no doubt that I had an urgent need to ‘be saved’, and I’m very glad about that.
The problem was – and I don’t think this is unique to my upbringing – that I knew what I was saved FROM, but I was less clear on what I was saved FOR. The gospel was presented, almost exclusively, as a rescue act which left me wondering what God’s ultimate plan for me looked like.
Facing 2025 with strength
Did you start 2025 with a sense of fragility?No, not the 'feeling fragile' that people experience on New Year’s …