When the idea of a ‘Christian Business’ is discussed, there are widely different opinions. Some would say a business can never be ‘Christian’ – it is a ‘thing’, not a person or soul. A business can’t be ‘saved’. Others argue that a business can be a platform for advancing God’s kingdom.
At the heart of every business are people working together. It is no accident that we call it a ‘company’ (cum panis – with bread). The people in a business are not simply human resources or assets, they are people in relationships with other people. Every business is community.
All businesses must achieve lasting financial sustainability to stay in existence but that doesn’t need to be the end of the story. They also all have the opportunity to make the world a better place. Every business can pursue ‘kingdom’ outcomes.
The dangers of over or underdosing the gospel
In 2023, my sister was diagnosed with Stage 1B breast cancer. She immediately underwent four months of initial chemotherapy followed …