We are horrified as we look back in history and see how our spiritual forefathers failed in critical ways.
During the time of the slave trade, some not only remained silent but were involved by owning slaves. During the time of Nazi Germany there were precious few who, like Bonhoeffer, were willing to speak up at the risk of their lives. So, what will be the verdict of history on our generation? Which issues do we neglect which will be seen in a different light in the future?
The critical point, of course, is not the verdict of history, but the verdict of the Lord. When we stand before Him on the Last Day we will see that, in a variety of ways, we were like frogs in the proverbial kettle, quietly accepting cultural ‘norms’ which are increasingly ungodly. So, what would the Lord say is the key issue of today? We need to hold up our culture to the standard of God’s original creation purpose, and His moral law.
The draw of darkness: why horror fascinates us
One should never watch anything that wounds one’s conscience; Romans 14:23 tells us there are terrible consequences of acting against …