The Christian vote

Krish Kandiah  |  Features  |  politics & policy
Date posted:  1 Feb 2024
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The Christian vote

This year more people will vote in an election than ever before in world history.

More than 4.17 billion people in 76 countries will seek to elect new governments, which is around 51% of the global population, according to figures published in The Economist. India, Russia and Iran will go to the polls, as well as the UK and the US. In some countries open, fair elections are little more than rhetoric, however the overall impact of this geopolitical moment for the planet could be enormous.

I have been reflecting on how Christians can play our part in this unprecedented year of global democratic opportunity. How can we use our vote for good? How can we promote the building of generous and kind societies? How can we influence the way conflicts in the Middle East, Europe and Africa resolve? How can we help steer the world towards peace?

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