In 2018, American John Allen Chau bribed five fishermen to take him to Sentinel Island in the Indian Ocean. A new documentary tells the story of his ultimately fatal mission to share the gospel with one of the last ‘uncontacted’ tribes who were living there.
‘My name is John. I love you and Jesus loves you. Jesus Christ gave me authority to come to you. Here is some fish!’ These were John’s first words to the North Sentinelese as he approached in his kayak. The two tribesmen strung their bows and moved towards him aggressively.
In what would be one of his last diary entries, John reported feeling ‘some fear, but mostly disappointment’ that they hadn’t accepted him. Later that day, he would attempt to reach them again, and have an arrow shot at him, hitting the Bible he was holding just in front of his chest. His third attempt would end his life.
Church events: How wide should we cast the net?
Over the Christmas period our church, like many others, had several evangelistic events. We had the classic Christingle and Nativity …