Are you sympathetic to politicians? I doubt it

David Burrowes  |  Features  |  politics & policy
Date posted:  1 Jan 2024
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Are you sympathetic to politicians? I doubt it

image: iStock

As you begin to break those New Year’s resolutions, it may make you more sympathetic to politicians trying to keep their promises - but I doubt it.

I imagine for some of you politicians are only good for Christmas cracker jokes or as the villains in panto season. In the ‘who do I trust’ league, politicians are always at the bottom, with the only change being who they are joined by (recently, much to the relief of my former colleagues, pollsters replaced car salesman!). So, do you join with the seasonal, perennial mirth and derision?

Well, don’t for 2024. May I invite you to resolve this year to raise your game when it comes to your attitude to politicians, because that’s what God wants of us. As you look through your church programme for the year, how much of it is devoted to church and marriage, but not political authorities? This is despite all three being ordained by God to reflect His character and relationship with us.

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