Antisemitism in Britain today: two evangelicals share their experiences

Joel Barder & Regan Blanton King  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jan 2024
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Antisemitism in Britain today: two  evangelicals share their experiences

Joel Barder writes: I remember 7 October vividly. It was a day when life suddenly changed; and the reality I normally hide away came back to the surface like a whirlwind.

As an evangelical, trusting in the authority of Scripture, my relationship with my Jewishness has been a life-long struggle.

My father is Jewish – our family fled Krakow, Poland in the 19th century. During the Holocaust, it is believed more than 90% of Krakow’s Jews were murdered. There were roughly 70,000 Jews in Krakow in 1939 at the outbreak of WW2 (about 25% of Krakow’s population), and today there are roughly 100 or so.

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