Would you be able to spot a narcissist?

John Steley  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2023
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Would you be able to spot a narcissist?

When we think of the word ‘narcissism’ we may imagine people taking selfies, maintaining an attractive image on social media or something similar. True narcissism, however, is something far more serious.

It destroys communities, churches, marriages, families and individuals. It is not just a case of people showing-off, annoying as that may be. True narcissism is destructive and it needs to be understood. That is why I have written the booklet.* It is a warning for all who work with people – that is all of us.

Narcissism is subtle. It can be found where we least expect it and its effects can be devastating. Examples of narcissism can of course be found almost anywhere – in schools, in the professions, in industry and commerce, in the military, in politics – wherever there are people.

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