Three-quarters of British parents of under fives have contact with a church through its toddler group.
That is extraordinary. Is there any other ministry in our nation that is reaching three-quarters of a demographic?
The ordinary
Step into a toddler group and you are witnessing the ordinary. I doubt you will see a slick, well-rehearsed gospel presentation, more likely a slightly nervous Bible story time with some clunky props. I doubt you will hear crisp, tuneful accompanied singing, more likely one reluctant mum who wonders which conversation led to her singing ‘Sleeping Bunnies’ every single week (with awkward bouncing). Instead, the incredible popularity of British church-run toddler groups is down to clean toys, hot coffee, good cake and a very warm welcome.
Tackling heavy topics in our youth groups
Anyone who has prepared a youth or children's programme for a church weekend away will know the feeling: your minister …