Concerns about Labour?

James Mildred  |  Features  |  politics & policy
Date posted:  1 Oct 2023
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Concerns about Labour?

Angela Rayner MP, deputy leader of the Labour Party

September and October are funny moments in the parliamentary calendar.

In early September MPs return from their summer holidays for a few weeks, then there’s another recess. It’s so that party conference season can happen. This is where party members gather and listen to keynote speakers, decide policies and generally try and remind themselves why they support their party of choice.

Of course, the big unknown at the moment is when the next General Election will be. Recent rumours suggest Spring 2024, but don’t be surprised if Rishi Sunak waits until the last possible moment to see how much progress he can make on his five pledges. If the polls are anything to go by, Keir Starmer can expect anywhere between being the largest party to a large majority.

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