How should we respond to the world’s poorest?

Justin Hall  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2023
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How should we respond to the world’s poorest?

deprived area

Living in a post-Covid, post-Brexit UK has been, and will continue to be, challenging. Considering these realities, how is the Christian and the church in the UK to respond to the suffering of the poor, not only in this country, but in other nations too?

There is a fascinating encounter in Acts 10 that shows the gospel door to the Gentiles being flung wide open. What necessitated this glorious opportunity was an encounter in heaven wherein a memorial was brought before God consisting of the prayers of Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, and a copy of his financial records – specifically, that he gave much to the poor. It’s also interesting to note that Cornelius was stationed in the region of Israel during Rome’s occupation. This was not an easy time for anyone, and yet Cornelius’ financial generosity can be seen overflowing to those who were of a different nationality and who, to some degree, were antagonistic and unsupportive of who he was and what he represented.

What an amazing thought. What we do with our money concerns God and, when used to selflessly care for the poor, deeply moves God. In response to Cornelius’ actions, God instructed that Cornelius send for Peter, who would preach the gospel to him and his household. The rest, we can say, is history. What we do with our finances carries spiritual weight that has the potential to bring incalculable spiritual blessing to bear, not only upon our lives but on countless others too.

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