Ten Questions: Thirty per cent teaching, seventy per cent suffering

Date posted:  1 Jul 2023
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Ten Questions: Thirty per cent teaching,  seventy per cent suffering

Rachel Redeemed

1. How did you become a Christian?

I have the testimony no one thinks they want to have but every Christian parent wants for their kid. I can’t remember a day when I didn’t know Jesus. I believe I got saved when my dad explained to me as a kid that going to church didn’t make me a Christian – I was shocked and wanted to have Jesus in charge of my life. I recently met a lady who had taught me the Bible in Sunday School; she had my name in a book and she had been faithfully praying for me for over 20 years. What a saint. So I guess my testimony should be: God has wonderfully saved and kept me in response to the prayers of His people.

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