How can we think deeply about Islam?

Andrew Marsay  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2023
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How can we think deeply about Islam?

Prayers in the recently-built Central Mosque, Cambridge, England | photo:

In September 2018, en featured a review of Ida Glaser and Hannah Kay’s: Thinking Biblically About Islam.

The book shows how the God of the Bible engages with peoples of other religions. But the equally Biblical emphasis that God confronts the gods of other religions is largely absent. Provoked by en’s headline ‘Can you do better?’ I perhaps rashly decided to respond with a book that would simply state the Bible’s and the Qur’an’s teachings about God, in six basic theological categories.

God’s Word

While Christianity and Islam both depend on traditions, written and otherwise, for their everyday expressions of religion, the Bible, and the Qur’an respectively, are the key to knowing the mind of God: orthodox Christians and Muslims view the books as God ‘speaking’ in his own infallible words.

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