Rest your head on the ‘soft pillow of God’s providence’

Elizabeth McQuoid  |  Features  |  the ENd word
Date posted:  1 Mar 2023
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Rest your head on the ‘soft  pillow of God’s providence’

photo: @pilleauxtalk

Family, finances, the state of the church, the latest Bill being discussed in Parliament, war in Ukraine… the list of things we could worry about is endless.

I worry when I feel out of control, when the illusion that I can smooth out the wrinkles of life for myself and those whom I love shatters, when some event reminds me that I was never in control in the first place.

In those moments, what do we do? We remind ourselves again that our lives are in our Father’s hands. We trust in God’s providence – His sovereign power sustaining and governing the universe ‘for the good of His people and the glory of His name’ (Melvin Tinker).

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