Eaten your chocolates?

Elizabeth McQuoid  |  Features  |  the ENd word
Date posted:  1 Jan 2023
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Eaten your chocolates?

photo: iStock

If you are reading this in January, Christmas is in the rear-view mirror. If you’ve got hold of your en in good time, however, and are reading this in December, please mentally adjust the tenses below as you read!

The chocolates have been eaten, Lego sets made and, predictably, my boys are only still interested in a few of their gifts. Not because they are particularly ungrateful, but because that’s just how we’re wired. We simply can’t treasure everything – or else it wouldn’t be a treasure! We lavish our time and attention on what we prize most. What is really important to us always occupies the biggest space in our hearts.

The Apostle Paul declared: ‘Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!’ (2 Cor. 9:15). Christ is the very best gift that God could have given us, but do I treasure Him? Does He occupy the biggest space in my heart?

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