Evangelical Futures: A report from five years in the future … What do you do?

David Shepherd  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Oct 2022
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Evangelical Futures: A report from five years in the future … What do you do?

image: iStock

Church News, February 2027 General Synod, Day 2 :

‘In contrast with the typically sanguine proceedings at General Synod, the result of the Private Members Motion on same-sex blessings was greeted with intense emotion on both sides of the debate.

Late last evening, the motion, ‘that this Synod: request the House of Bishops to commend an Order of Prayer and Dedication after a same-sex civil marriage’, was finally carried by the required two-thirds majority. The outcome prompted ecstatic applause from progressive and liberal Synod members. They hugged and congratulated each other warmly, while extending gracious commiseration to the traditionalists who opposed the motion.

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