Missionaries – should we pay them more?

Gustav Pritchard  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2022
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Missionaries – should we pay them more?

Stock photo of a missionary in South Asia | photo: IMB

In Johannesburg, where I used to live, electricity supply was not always that predictable. Sadly, it was far worse in the poorer rural areas, where many (even today) have no access to the national power grid.

When I ministered in South Africa, I knew of a missionary who moved to work amongst such people. When he arrived, he immediately decided to live like the locals. He moved into a very poorly constructed house and lived without any electricity and water. At first, I thought this all sounded very noble. It certainly fitted with some of my stereotypes about ‘mission work’. But all the locals he worked amongst thought it was an extremely odd decision.

‘Why would you choose to live like this?’ the locals said. ‘If we had a choice, we would certainly not choose suffering.’

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