Worldviews: we all have them. They shape our understanding of the Bible and the world around us.
Christians have always had to marry Biblical orthodoxy with their contemporary circumstances. In 2022, we inhabit a decidedly, often aggressively, post-Christian society with ever-decreasing church attendance.
The Church of England (CofE) still retains an important place within the public sphere, both here and abroad, but the struggle faced by senior CofE clergy is how to persuade non-Christians that Christianity is still relevant. This century has witnessed significant societal upheaval, not least surrounding race, sexuality, and transgender rights. ‘Living in Love and Faith’ (LLF) demonstrates how the CofE leaders aim to engage with these issues, so provides us with access to the worldview of its proponents within the House of Bishops and its editors, and how they think 21st-century Christianity should be practised within secular Britain.
Have the Prayers of Love and Faith stalled? Not at all
This month’s General Synod will receive an update from the Living in Love and Faith Programme Board, but there will …