Some may disagree, but I don’t believe there is, or even should be, such a thing as a Christian film, especially if by labelling a film ‘Christian’ we mean to create a sub-genre of film that contains some special spiritual or moral attribute whilst ignoring its artistic quality.
But I do believe that there are films that tell stories which flow out of the gospel narrative of creation-fall-redemption. And in that respect, I commend to you Rosalind Ross’s directorial debut, Father Stu, as an absorbing and emotionally engaging film which centres around a the very human experiences of disappointment, fatherlessness, suffering, forgiveness and faith. It also includes one of the best cameos by a Jesus-like character that I have seen in a long while.
Mark Wahlberg stars in the title role of this ‘based on a true story’ biopic of Stuart Long, a foul-mouthed, washed-up amateur boxer and bit-part actor who falls for Carmen (Teresa Ruiz), a beautiful Hispanic woman he meets while serving at the meat-counter in a Los Angeles supermarket.
The draw of darkness: why horror fascinates us
One should never watch anything that wounds one’s conscience; Romans 14:23 tells us there are terrible consequences of acting against …