I have written before about what it looks like to share Christ with your Muslim friends and neighbours, to invite them to follow Jesus. But what happens next?
What does it mean for someone from a Muslim background to choose to follow Christ? The answer to that question starts with what they have been invited to. Have they been invited into a relationship or a religion?
Islam is a set of beliefs but, much like Christianity in the West, it is also a culture. We can make the mistake of asking Muslims to leave their culture and their community rather than inviting them into a relationship with Christ and with us. Just as many people are culturally Christian without following Christ, it is possible to be part of an Islamic culture without believing in the teachings of Muhammad. To be a Christian you don’t have to abandon cultural festivals in exchange for church attendance and Christmas, or think that prayer must look a certain way and commitment means to be on a church rota.
Church events: How wide should we cast the net?
Over the Christmas period our church, like many others, had several evangelistic events. We had the classic Christingle and Nativity …