Julian Hardyman: speaking of Jesus as lover, suitor, boyfriend, husband is neither new nor eccentric

Date posted:  1 Jan 2022
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Julian Hardyman: speaking of Jesus as lover, suitor,  boyfriend, husband is neither new nor eccentric

Julian Hardyman (L) running the Cambridge Half Marathon

en speaks to Julian Hardyman, Senior Pastor at Eden Baptist Church, Cambridge, about his most recent book on the Song of Songs.

en: Julian, tell us about your new book…

Julian: In Scripture we find all sorts of metaphors for how God relates to us in love. Two are borrowed from the closest human relationships – that God is our Father, and that Jesus is our bridegroom-husband. The former – adoption, sonship, etc. – has been very well explored and many Christians find it central to their experience of faith that God has become their Father, and rightly so. The second metaphor is comparatively much less well understood and enjoyed. I wanted to help people enjoy this Biblical teaching about Christ much more fully – that He is like a suitor, a fiancé and a husband for His people, collectively and individually.

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