I am a ‘Champion’ and an ‘Enthusiast.’ That’s if you consult some of the more popular personality tests.
On the Myers-Briggs scale (a system for categorising personalities) I come out as a feelsy extrovert who loves big-picture concepts and last-minute ‘preparation’. Add it all together and a Myers-Briggs devotee will slap the label on me: ‘Champion’. That means I will heartily endorse the latest IDEA or BOOK or FILM or GADGET. ‘You’ve got to see this thing’, I’ll say, wide-eyed (while the introverts nervously edge out of the room).
If you ask a fan of the Enneagram (another system for personality types – don’t worry if you’ve never heard of it), I am an ‘Enthusiast’. I’ll wax lyrical about my latest passion, and I will demand to know why it is not your passion also. In fact my enthusiasm requires an echo: If I enthuse you, I need you to be enthusiastic. Why aren’t you more enthusiastic? Why?
The dangers of over or underdosing the gospel
In 2023, my sister was diagnosed with Stage 1B breast cancer. She immediately underwent four months of initial chemotherapy followed …