John Stott’s ‘new’ book: a heartfelt environmental plea

Thomas Creedy  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Nov 2021
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John Stott’s ‘new’ book: a heartfelt environmental plea

John Stott (photo: Kieran Dodds) & Planet earth from the International Space Station (photo:iStock)

In 2011 IVP published what was intended by the author to be his final book – summing up decades of prayer, study and ministry. John Stott’s The Radical Disciple, ten years on, continues to provoke, encourage and inspire.

Stott’s own purpose in that book was ‘to consider eight characteristics of Christian discipleship which are often neglected and yet deserve to be taken seriously’. One of these was ‘creation care’, an issue which is increasingly coming to our attention and the focus of the world. With the Stott centenary running from April 2021 to April 2022, IVP took the decision to publish John Stott on Creation Care, a definitive collection of Stott’s writings on the topic, carefully compiled from throughout his ministry. Sam Berry and Laura Yoder, in their own way, have carefully curated tens of thousands of Stott’s own words, adding interpretation and context, to produce a vital new book.

In God’s providence, Laura will be giving the John Stott London Lecture on the topic of creation care on 11 November – which falls on the penultimate evening of the UN Climate Change Conference UK 2021, running 31 October to 12 November. That report is dedicated to Sir John Houghton, an evangelical Christian of Strict Baptist origins, who was a friend of John Stott.

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