Verse-by-verse exposition of obscure Old Testament texts has been, hands down, the most fruitful evangelism I’ve done in the last six months. Come with me as I marvel at that fact and try to draw some lessons from it.
Back in February, the Miller and Martin report into the sexual, spiritual and financial abuse of Ravi Zacharias was released. In response to the shocking evil uncovered, I reached for an Old Testament passage to try to shed light on the contemporary crisis.
The rape of Tamar
2 Samuel 13 tells the story of the rape of Tamar, but the lesson is not simply about the wickedness of the rapist, Amnon, but about Jonadab, Absalom and David too. It takes an entire household – an entire fallen kingdom of David – to plot, perpetrate and then cover up the atrocity. In my video I delved into the Hebrew meaning of each name, and worked my way methodically through each verse, culminating in a look at Isaiah 9 and the true house of David established by the Prince of Peace. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a response to a video. People have told me they’ve learnt to trust Jesus for the first time. Others have said they’ve learnt to trust Jesus or His people again after excruciating betrayal. And all from a verse-by-verse exposition of an obscure Old Testament passage.
The dangers of over or underdosing the gospel
In 2023, my sister was diagnosed with Stage 1B breast cancer. She immediately underwent four months of initial chemotherapy followed …