Strident faith? You haven’t really thought about it.

Jeremy McQuoid  |  Features  |  the ENd word
Date posted:  1 Aug 2021
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Strident faith? You haven’t  really thought about it.

Photo by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash

The older I get the more mysterious life appears to me. I hope that’s a sign of growing wisdom, rather than leaking faith.

When I was in my teens and twenties, life was pretty ‘black and white’. I knew what to believe, and what not to believe, was confident in my convictions, and sometimes intolerant of older saints who weren’t quite as unequivocal as I was. But the ageing process has left me a lot less strident, I think in a good way.

As a pastor, I remember some of my early sermon applications about how to bring up teenagers, before I ever had teenagers of my own. Or what you should and shouldn’t watch on TV, before the internet revolution brought depravity to our bedrooms at the touch of an smartphone app.

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