Heaven’s above!… And not a place on earth…

Gordon Robertson  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Aug 2021
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Heaven’s above!… And  not a place on earth…

Everest – hard to comprehend fully without being there, like heaven | photo: iStock

The best is yet to come! Whether you are trapped in a war zone, living in poverty, or enjoying every modern comfort without a cloud in the sky, the best is yet to come.

We walk with Christ now, but will see Him face to face in eternity. The church is the bride of Christ now, but we are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb. We know His comfort daily, but then He will wipe away all our tears in the place where there is no sin or sorrow. The best is yet to come is an understatement! We are bound for glory, for unimaginable joys at His right hand. Hallelujah! Praise God for His grace and love that welcomes undeserving sinners into His splendour.

Pictures of heaven

Suppose you’ve finally summited Mount Everest. Can you imagine trying to describe the route up, the 360o view, and the exhilaration to someone who has never seen snow or a mountain? That’s why God uses pictures to describe heaven. We (collectively) are the temple of the living God (2 Cor. 6:16). Trace the wonder of this through the Bible, see the future hope shown, and note the earthly limitation of each picture. Eden was where God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden. The Tabernacle was central for God’s people, God’s presence in their midst. Solomon’s temple was filled with the glory of God. Ezra’s temple was a reminder of how God had led them, Ezekiel’s temple was a vision of the glorious lifegiving kingdom, Herod’s temple was a people pleaser. All these were shadow pictures – getting increasingly limited – but all point to the church as the eternal temple of God. God dwells in His people, we centre on the Lamb that was slain, we worship His exalted name before His throne, and we extol His virtues. What an incredible future for undeserving insignificant sinners like us!

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