Being a man today

Alun Ebenezer  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Jul 2021
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Being a man today

‘So, what should a man be like?’ | photo: Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Right now it is open season on manhood.

At our worst we men are power hungry, aggressive, self entitled, demeaning and abusive to women, bad role models for our children, addicted to screens and pornography, and we can’t be trusted.

Such behaviour has made the streets unsafe after dark, has developed rape cultures in some of our ‘top’ schools, and has led to widespread sexual misconduct – so much so, that when women tell their stories of harassment, many other women have said #metoo. It would seem masculinity is toxic and the time has come to make root and branch changes to how ‘boys will be boys’.

Read more articles on:   manhood  /  discipleship
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Dear Editor, Once again, faith, education, indoctrination, extremism and radicalization are in the news.

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