Sentiment or action?

Simon Marsh  |  Features  |  earth watch
Date posted:  1 Jun 2021
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Sentiment or action?

Christian climate-change protesters voice their feelings | photo:

The sad death of HRH Prince Philip in April sparked many tributes to his lifetime of public service.

As well as being the world’s self-confessed expert in plaque unveiling, Prince Philip had a long-standing interest in nature conservation, long before it was fashionable. Others have documented his interest in birdwatching, his friendship with the naturalist Sir Peter Scott, and his long association with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as president of the UK organisation from its founding in 1961.

What perhaps is less well-known is how Prince Philip’s Christian faith informed his interest in creation. There was more than a hint of this in his funeral service, which included Psalm 104 sung to a setting commissioned by the Duke himself. Psalm 104 is full of wonder at the works of God in creation, as in verse 5: ‘He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved’.

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