It’s eternity, stupid

Date posted:  1 Jun 2021
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It’s eternity, stupid

Photo by Massimiliano Morosinotto on Unsplash

By Phil Almond

In one of his ‘Reflections of an Anglican Theologian’ titled ‘The Thing that Matters Most’, Dr Martin Davie explains that he was prompted by Bill Clinton’s successful slogan ‘It’s the economy, stupid’ to reflect on what should be an equally clear, brief slogan for the Church of England.

He concludes: ‘When all is said and done, the Church’s core business is saving souls, and the only way that souls will be saved is if people come to realise that this life is not all there is, and that they need to put their trust in Jesus in order to avoid an eternity of damnation and enjoy an eternity of blessedness instead. The Church’s calling is to be God’s instrument to bring people to this realisation, and for this to happen the leaders of the Church need to switch the focus of their message to the thing that matters most, the life of the world to come.’

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