Have you grown in faith through the pandemic?

Elizabeth McQuoid  |  Features  |  the ENd word
Date posted:  1 May 2021
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Have you grown in faith through the pandemic?

There are many helpful prayers in the Valley of Vision, published by Banner of Truth

‘Haven’t they grown!’ seems to be a well-worn phrase as we emerge from lockdown and meet up with young people and children we haven’t seen for more than a year.

Women who weren’t pregnant last time we saw them now have babies in their arms, tweens have become fully-fledged teens.

Honest gauges of growth

You might notice a few more grey hairs and wrinkles post-lockdown, but have you grown? I mean, have you grown spiritually? In the past year the artificial markers of godliness – whether we attend the prayer meeting, serve on rotas, and come to both services on Sunday – have been removed and we’ve been left with the much more honest gauge of – have we been patient while home schooling, joyful in times of fear and uncertainty, and loving to those we live with, when the monotony of lockdown overwhelmed us.

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