Overhearing God talk

Michael Baldwin  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Apr 2021
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I’ve been studying theology to prepare for serving overseas in a Muslim context.

How do I answer my friends’ questions about the gospel? These objections are theological, revolving around Jesus, his incarnation and the Trinity. After all, they say, the word ‘Trinity’ isn’t even in the Bible.

We might retort that nowhere in the Qur’an do we find the word tawhid – that key Islamic doctrine of Allah’s utter oneness. But we must face the more fundamental issue: the relationship between God’s inspired Scripture and the doctrines we profess. Let’s start by making the problem worse. Not only is ‘Trinity’ absent, but so are ‘Bible’, ‘discipleship’, ‘substitution’… . John Piper, in his upcoming magnum opus Providence, will point out that though the title of his book also cannot be found, we encounter its reality on every single page of Scripture.

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