Over the past year we’ve witnessed the astonishing resilience of doctors, nurses, paramedics and other healthcare professionals, alongside hospital staff and administrators.
They’ve faced the pressure of responding to a new pandemic, figuring out how to best help patients struggling to breathe and also huge pressure on available beds. I was speaking to someone from the Christian Medical Fellowship recently who was telling me the stories she’d been hearing from the ‘frontline’ of hospitals. It was tough to hear.
Thankfully, as government ministers are so keen to remind us, the end is apparently in sight. Well, let’s hope so and pray so. Thankfully, as I write this, there’s good evidence some of the pressure on doctors and nurses in beginning to ease.
What does a Scriptural analysis of the King's Speech show?
On Wednesday, King Charles delivered the Labour government's first King's Speech in the House of Lords. Part of the State …