Date posted:  1 Jan 2021
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A variety of evangelicals reflect on what might lie ahead in the next 12 months

Innovative evangelism?  Adrian Reynolds, Associate National Director FIEC

I hope and I pray that 2021 will see churches give evangelism its appropriate focus. In general terms, the lockdown has held us back: churches have often succumbed (understandably) to survival mode – let’s just keep going! Others have seen opportunities, but have not really known how to make the most of them. Others still have not known how to adapt to a changing environment and have simply mourned what they cannot do rather than explore what they can.

There’s no doubt that the evangelistic context has changed. Whilst the death rate from coronavirus has not been as large as feared, it’s not been negligible either. Most people, even if they didn’t know any victims personally, knew someone who did. Our mortality is before us as a society in a way that it has not been for many, many years. It is true, I believe, that we can overstate the spiritual yearning in unbelievers – a desire for something more or something better. There’s some of that, for sure. But it is not comprehensive. Nevertheless, the stench of death is all around, and we have the ‘pleasing aroma of Christ’ to offer a waiting world.

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