Unnoticed growth?

Peter Brierley  |  Features  |  Future trends
Date posted:  1 Oct 2020
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Unnoticed growth?

Eastern Europeans migrating to the UK in the 21st century have had more religious impact than we often realise.

Take the Poles for instance, who have come to the UK in hundreds of thousands over the last ten or 15 years, encouraged by the EU agreement that borders can be crossed by those from any member country.

Catholic and Orthodox

A large number of Polish men have moved to Scotland to work with the oil industry in and around Aberdeen, or with the UK military establishments on its north coast. Many of these are active Roman Catholics – so many in fact that the Roman Catholic Church has started 27 Polish churches in Scotland – 25 in and around Aberdeen, one in Dundee, one in Edinburgh and with one Glasgow church holding a Polish service.

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