What’s on the horizon?

James Mildred  |  Features  |  politics & policy
Date posted:  1 Sep 2020
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What’s on the horizon?

photo: iStock

With MPs and other elected representatives returning this month from summer holidays, it’s a good opportunity to scan the horizon and identify some of the key challenges ahead.

In part, this is to help you pray about some very serious challenges. But it’s also to prepare you for action. Needless to say, the issues below reflect some of CARE’s priorities and there are many other issues that space does not permit me to include.

Free Speech: in Scotland, the Justice Committee will continue its scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s new Hate Crime and Public Order Bill. It’s a dangerous piece of legislation with severe consequences for free speech. It criminalises ‘intent to stir up hatred’ but offers no credible definition of what this means.

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