J.I. Packer 1926 – 2020

Leland Ryken  |  Features
Date posted:  1 Sep 2020
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J.I. Packer  1926 – 2020

A man who influenced Christendom.

James Innell Packer, better known to many as J.I. Packer, was one of the most famous and influential evangelical leaders of our time. He died on Friday 17 July, at age 93.

J.I. Packer was born in a village near Gloucester, England, on 22 July 1926. He came from humble stock, being born into a family that he called lower middle class. The religious climate at home and church was that of nominal Anglicanism rather than evangelical belief in Christ as Saviour (something that Packer was not taught in his home church).

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