We’ve mastered a lot of ‘new’ in recent months. Whether that’s new ways of providing services, new ways of engaging in mission, or making the most of new opportunities to train furloughed workers for gospel service, it’s been a steep learning curve for many in the local church.
Quite a few of us might be hoping that there’s not too much more ‘new’ ahead. A return to something more familiar is the longing in many a heart. But let me pose four pastorally-orientated questions and suggest there might still need to be a little more ‘new’.
1. Who are the new vulnerable in your church?
These have been difficult months. Some, who were struggling before the lockdown, have crumbled under the stresses of isolation or fear, but others, who were strong at Easter, are now also utterly broken inside. There will be more than a few key workers across the land wrestling with post-traumatic symptoms. Some bereaved, who have not been able to say the usual goodbyes. Children who have lost confidence in leaving the house. More than a handful of pastors with burnout looming. Can we identify them and listen to them? We’ll need to be intentional because they need us to know their pain.