Positive pro-life initiatives

James Mildred  |  Features  |  politics & policy
Date posted:  1 Jul 2020
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Positive pro-life initiatives

photo: iStock

We need to talk about abortion. I pray a day will come when it’s unthinkable except in the most extreme circumstances. But we’re a long way from that point.

Our society has chosen to devalue the worth of unborn babies, and has sold women the lie that abortion is the only way they can truly flourish, rather than offering them genuine help and support. For all the arguments about autonomy and control, what’s inescapable is that in a pregnancy there are two lives at stake, not just one.

Since 1967, more than 9million lives have been lost to abortion. That’s more than the population of Scotland. It’s not just babies who’ve suffered and died, there’s the trauma for mothers too. We hear so little of the emotional and psychological toll abortion inflicts on women.

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