Word of life: Jesus’ days were full of Scripture

Bryony Lines  |  Features  |  The Bible in action
Date posted:  1 Jun 2020
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Word of life: Jesus’ days were full of Scripture

A man holds an audio device used by a Bible listening group in northern Ghana to hear the Scriptures in Deg | photo: Rodney Ballard

Access to the Bible in our own language should not be a luxury that some enjoy while others don’t.

In a recent prayer letter, one woman who serves with Wycliffe Bible Translators reflected on the isolation Jesus must have felt in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross. In light of social distancing over the past months, she shared that being ‘without the possibility of physically going to church … is a very real kind of isolation.’

For many of us, it has been comforting in this strange and painful time to remember that we have a Saviour who knows what it is to be human and alone.

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